(08) 9303 3840

Our History

St. Andrew’s Grammar was founded in 1990 by the Hellenic Community of Western Australia to provide a quality Greek Orthodox education, and to keep the language and culture alive for families of Greek heritage.

The work of key members of the local Hellenic Community, including Mr Emanuel Petrelis, Mr Athanasios Limnios and Mr Tony Missikos, was influential in convincing the State Government to make available 10.6 hectares of land in Dianella for the School. Financial support for the construction came from donations from many Greek Brotherhoods, Associations and individual personal gifts, in addition to a Commonwealth Government Grant.


In August 1990, Mr Emanuel Petrelis was invited to the position of Chair of the School Board, supported by other founding Board members: Mr Ken Michael (Deputy Chair), Mr Peter Vlachou, Dr Paul Boyatzis, Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis, Ms Loula Papandreou, Mr Ilias Iliadis, Mr John Palassis and Mr Stan Gavalas. Our Founding Principal, Mr Roy Browning, was also determined at this time.

Site works began in October of the same year and on Sunday 16 December 1990, the Petrelis Family laid the very first cornerstone brick in the presence of distinguished guests from the Hellenic Community.


At the start of 1991, St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox School commenced with eight pupils. By the time the first building officially opened on 26 May that year, with the Federal Minister of Education and the West Australian Minister of Education presiding over the formalities, the student population had risen to 25.


In 1998 the School was incorporated following an agreement between the Hellenic Community of WA and the Greek Parents and Citizens Association that full ownership of the land be vested to the Hellenic Community of WA.


In 2005, St. Andrew’s Grammar became a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 school, finally fulfilling the condition required by the State Government for the settlement of the School land.


On the appointment of our current Principal, Mr Craig Monaghan in 2019, the School has turned a significant corner moving from a School, population of 379 to a projected 770 students in 2024.  We are strategically planning to cap this enrolment at 850 and in doing so expect to establish significant waitlists from 2024 and beyond.  We are very much a School in demand as can be seen by this illustration:

St. Andrew’s Grammar School – Student numbers 2013-2029

*2024 to 2028 projected.

Over 30 years on, the School has reached enrolment numbers of over 700 students with over 45 nationalities represented in the student body. We remain the only Greek Orthodox School in Western Australia. Our traditions remain Hellenic, but we are known for embracing diversity and inclusivity, for our outstanding academic results and strong focus on the wellbeing of the individual.