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Learning in Primary Years 1 to 6

Students in Years 1 to 6 at St. Andrew’s Grammar engage in a well-rounded learning program designed to build upon the foundations of education and encourage each student’s academic, physical, creative, social and emotional development. Expertly skilled teachers tailor the curriculum to engage, motivate and support each child in small class sizes that allow for a truly personalised education.

Your Child’s School Day

Students are required to be at school by 8.30am, with classes formally underway at 8.45pm.

Within our well-appointed classrooms, they undertake the Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), Health and Digital Technologies with their class teacher. Specialist teachers provide engaging lessons in Art, Music, Physical Education, Library, Modern Greek, Greek Dance and Religion, often in learning areas dedicated to the subject.

Morning recess occurs from 10.30am to 10.50am, with lunch at 12.20pm to 12.40pm followed by supervised outdoor play from 12.40pm to 1.00pm.

The school day ends at 3.10pm.

Understanding Your Child’s Progress

There is an extensive assessment program that drives our planning and teaching, including compulsory testing at the beginning of the year to set baseline levels for both the class and the individual. Years 3 and 5 undertake NAPLAN testing in Term 1 and additional assessment tasks for English, Mathematics, Science and HASS help track student learning.

At St. Andrew’s Grammar, we set a high level of expectations for the growth of each individual. These expectations are set by the classroom teachers, with every student understanding the requirements to grow at their own level. These Learning Intentions arm the students with a clear path and understanding of what to undertake to succeed.

Teachers are guided by the SCSA Judging Standards at each year level, which brings teachers together to moderate tasks and common assessments. This ensures each student’s achievements, at each year level, are a fair and true reflection of their progress.

Throughout the year, our reporting process includes Parent-Student-Teacher interviews with goal setting at the end of Term 1, a Semester Report at the end of Term 2, a Learning Journey event late in Term 3 and a Final Report at the end of Term 4.


In Years 1 and 2, students’ natural curiosity of the world around them is harnessed, fostering a sense of exploration and discovery. Students also maintain a core focus on developing strong fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. In Years 3 to 6, we continue to develop inquiry skills, empowering and supporting our learners to develop their critical and creative thinking skills, cultural understanding, and personal and social experiences.

Planning and teaching for all learning areas follows the Western Australian Curriculum – School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) guidelines. Modern Greek is taught using the Australia Curriculum document.

Physical Education

St. Andrew’s Grammar emphasises fitness in the Primary Years Physical Education program. Morning Fitness sessions, held at least twice a week, make active exercise fun while gross motor skills are developed during Physical Education classes. Skills are incorporated into games and sport which includes swimming, football, netball, basketball, cricket, handball, athletics and cross-country running. Students are immersed in teamwork, cooperation, confidence and building resilience through sports participation.

Primary Years students also have opportunities to engage with the extensive Independent School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) Interschool sports program.

The Arts

Specialised Visual Arts and Music teachers bring the arts to life for students in Years 1 to 6, with a curriculum focused on ideas, artistic skills and processes, and the arts in society. In Music, talented and enthusiastic young musicians are encouraged to join the School Band, Guitar Ensemble or Choir to enjoy performance experiences at events such as assemblies and special days. In addition, students wishing to extend their learning can access private tuition for instruments including piano, guitar, drums and flute, taught by accomplished performers. Most importantly, the music education team at St Andrew’s Grammar aim to inspire a life-long love of music in our students.

Modern Greek Studies

The Modern Greek Studies program brings together the Greek language, dance and culture for Primary Years students. As part of the Language Studies Curriculum, St. Andrew’s Grammar teachers participate in professional development to learn how this innovative program can be integrated into the daily classroom routines. Each student’s needs are carefully considered in the Modern Greek Studies lessons, taking into consideration those students with Greek heritage and those for whom the learnings are new.

From Years 1 to 3, specialist teachers deliver twice-weekly lessons focusing on speaking, reading and writing in Greek, delivered through music, poetry, games, hands-on activities and role play. In Years 4 to 6, lessons are increased to three a week and a differentiated curriculum is introduced to cater for the levels of all students, actioned through a variety of activities designed to motivate and engage.

Throughout the Primary School, there is also a focus on Greek culture including regular Greek Dance lessons. Class assemblies and special assemblies celebrate important days in the Greek calendar and feature presentations in both English and Greek.

Design and Digital Technologies

The Primary Years Design and Technology curriculum encourages students to become independent and creative problem solvers, as individuals and as part of a team. Recognising the role that Information Technology plays in our students’ lives, and its importance to their future, we have prioritised building technological capabilities to set our students up for success in the future.


The Religion program at St. Andrew’s Grammar is delivered under the guidance and direction of an Orthodox Priest and the classroom teacher. Supporting the Christian values is a study on a different virtue each term, which may include topics such as respect, kindness, friendliness and responsibility. The emphasis on virtues complements the Orthodox Religious Education program. Students are also involved in a variety of activities including chapel services and incursions to promote special events, such as the major Feast Days of the Orthodox Church. Students are also encouraged to attend religious events throughout the year.

To learn about how students transition into Secondary School at St. Andrew’s Grammar, click here.