(08) 9303 3840


In the Secondary Years, a rigorous curriculum is partnered with a range of learning opportunities to challenge and excite students. Students are provided with opportunities to excel as 21st century learners and independent thinkers, flourishing in all areas. Learning in the Secondary years will ensure our young people leave school as capable and informed young adults who are courageous and compassionate and ready to positively contribute to their global community.

Our high-quality Secondary educators ensure students learning at different levels are supported and provided to with opportunities to show their potential. We believe learning is best when there is a healthy relationship between teachers and students. We focus on building positive relationships between all members of our community to ensure that there is a safe yet challenging environment to learn.

Discover how our Middle Years program is a time of exploration and development by clicking reading here.

To read more about how students prepare for life after St. Andrew’s Grammar in our Senior Years, click here.

To learn more about the pathways available for Senior students, click here.