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St. Andrew’s Grammar supports different pathways for students to follow their interests and prepare them for the world beyond school. We recognise that not everyone is on the same journey and invite students to consider which pathway is right for their intended career destination.

There are four alternative pathways, all of which satisfy the requirements of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

VETGeneralGeneral UniReadyATAR Pathway
Year 11Certificate IV plus ATAR English.Five General courses or up to 3 ATAR courses.NAFour or more ATAR courses (Units 1 and 2).
Year 12ATAR English plus other courses.Five General courses or up to 3 ATAR courses.Four General courses* plus two UniReady courses.Ideally five ATAR courses, four ATAR plus one General course is possible.
AssessmentsAll units of competency must be completed to be awarded the qualification. Externally Set Tasks are compulsory for all students enrolled in the General course in Year 12. Externally Set Tasks are compulsory for all students enrolled in General courses in Year 12 plus a pass in the UniReady course.ATAR examinations are compulsory for students enrolled in Year 12.
Post School Destinations Entry into TAFE, apprenticeships and possibly university (dependent on level of Certificate completed).ECU Preparation course
Notre Dame Foundation Year Program
Curtin University Enabling courses
Murdoch University Enabling courses
Equivalent ATAR of 70 for entry into Curtin University only. Only certain programs will be available for enrolment.ATAR entry to university (dependent on ATAR score).

ATAR Pathway

This pathway is open to any student but is designed specifically for students intending to apply to university straight from school and wish to select from a broad range of university programs. Students following the ATAR Pathway study either six ATAR courses or a combination of four-five ATAR courses and one-two General or Certificate course. A minimum of four ATAR subjects is required to achieve an ATAR result. Each university also have requirements in terms of the English level students must achieve. Students taking up this option will be required to sit WACE exams at the end of Year 12.

Entrance into university is often determined by the ATAR score received by each student, the ATAR score required for the course and course prerequisites achieved. Other courses may also require additional admissions criteria such as interviews, portfolios or auditions, or consider activities beyond the classroom such as work experience, awards and extra-curricular activities as part of their university application.

General Pathway

For students who do not wish to access university directly from school, a general pathway allows students to study a range of subjects to cater for individual interests. Students on a general pathway can choose a combination of ATAR and general subjects. They can also include a VET course if they wish. Students in Units 3 and 4 of General Courses are required to sit Externally Set Tasks (ESTs) for General courses in Year 12. If any ATAR courses are taken in Year 12, they will also be required to take the ATAR examination for that course.

General Pathway with UniReady

For students who do not wish to take on the more academically challenging pathway of ATAR but still wish to gain university entrance, UniReady is an option. UniReady courses are available to Year 12 students only, and upon successful completion of the UniReady course, students will be given an ATAR score of 70 and provided with entrance to Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University.

It must be noted that while the UniReady pathway provides entrance into Curtin University, it does not provide entrance into all programs offered at Curtin University.

VET/General Pathway

St. Andrew’s Grammar supports a variety of VET programs catering for students with a range of post-school vocational interests. Students can complete a Certificate II Course in conjunction with other school based courses (ATAR or General). In Year 12, students may also be able to complete a Certificate III course or a Certificate IV at TAFE.

The VET in Schools program allows students to study a VET certificate offsite, one day per week, in conjunction with their school subjects.

Graduates of the VET/General Pathway have a range of opportunities open to them, which may include further study at TAFE (Technical and Further Education), entrance into an apprenticeship, direct entry into the workforce or entrance into university through alternative methods such as portfolio, audition or bridging courses.

For the most recent and up-to-date information about which VET programs are currently supported by St. Andrew’s Grammar, please contact Steve Glesson – VET Coordinator by email: sgleeson@sag.wa.edu.au