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In an ever-changing world, it is imperative that schools afford students the best possible opportunities by incorporating technologies as part of the teaching and learning environment. St Andrew’s Grammar embraces this and our School has a vision to be recognised locally and nationally for its innovative teaching practices in the ICT domain.

As a result of major growth and change at St Andrew’s over the past two years, and the changing requirements of technology brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the School has developed a robust ICT strategy moving forward. The strategy will ensure students all have the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to, and take advantage of, technology as it develops over time. In addition, we are investing in upgrading our infrastructure to deal with rapid changes and protect the School to the best of our ability against cyber-security concerns.

To achieve our goals, our teachers welcome the new world of information communications technology, and our students will increasingly engage with the learning experience via technology. Our use of Smart Boards and interactive televisions transform the classroom into interactive and immersive learning spaces, while the introduction of Microsoft Surface devices ensures an equitable access for each student to stay seamlessly synced with their schoolwork both at home and on campus.

These technologies enable increased collaboration and sharing of experiences with fellow students, and also develop skills and knowledge that will prepare students for the future. We know that learning styles differ between students; technologies allow for greater flexibility in meeting the needs of individual students. Importantly, the technology is not designed to replace good teaching, but to amplify it through interactive tools fostering creativity, collaboration and adaptability.

Major upgrades of our technology infrastructure include our internet connection, Wi-Fi, teaching aids in classrooms, and student learning devices. Staff have access to ongoing Professional Development to keep ahead of the trends and tools that can help St Andrew’s Grammar continue to be a leading digital School now and into the future.